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To tweet or not to tweet? That is the question!

COMM140 Task 2 - Blog Post 1 - Week 4 Driving Question

What is a PLN?

A Professional Learning Network (PLN) is a global initiative to connect professionals from various industries to enhance knowledge and understanding. This network provides professionals with an opportunity to share support, advice, feedback, resources and partnership both within professions and across various lines of work - placing a greater significance on "participating, experiencing and collaborating with others to find and create information and knowledge" (Deissler et al., 2015) .

Benefits of PLNs

In a society where there is an increase in the presence of and access to technology, PLN's particularly assist educators in keeping up to date with appropriate application and integration of new technologies, innovative approaches to teaching, the development of pedagogical skills. Prior to stepping into the classroom, PLNs also offer an opportunity for pre-service teachers to enhance their knowledge and understanding of working with children, educational systems, professional development, and access to rescues (Robinson, 2014). As a result of this, new teachers are able to feel more confident when first entering the classroom, knowing they have wider support networks and a deeper comprehension of the educational environment .

Issues with PLNs

Using social media as a professional tool is not always the most ethical and socially excepted form of PLN. Due to the potentially risky, inappropriate and professionally damaging stigma surrounding social media, highlighting the importance of credibility and confidentiality, while upholding professional responsibilities outside of the classroom - distinguishing boundaries between personal (private) and professional (public) use of social media (Forbes, 2017). As the nature of of the use of social media evolves, particularly as a Professional learning tool, there is typically a "lack of policy structures around the use of social media in academic and professional contexts" (Forbes, 2017).


Personally, I think that the use of social media as a platform for professional development and individual knowledge and understanding enhancement is amazing. As a pre-service teacher, social media has allowed me to connect with teachers around the world and build my confidence and understanding in regards to working with kids. In a time such as that of 2020, the experience of online learning would not have been as successful as it has been without the collaboration of professionals through the use of PLN's. The sharing of resources and advice in regards to appropriate application and integration of new technologies has allowed teachers to adapt to new environments and provide their students with the best possible educational experience during such a troubling and unexpected situation.


Deissler, C., Ding, H., Neumann, L., & Kopcha, K. (2015). Professional Learning Networks to Support School Librarians’ Development of Instructional Technology Expertise.TechTrends,59(3), 27-40.

Forbes, D. (2017). Professional Online Presence and Learning Networks: Educating for Ethical Use of Social Media.International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning,18(7), 175-190.

Robinson, C. (2014). Social Media for Professional Learning Networks.NSTA Reports,26(3), 3.


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